Fowey River Canoe Club would like to invite you to our annual Hasler Race on Sunday 13th October.
The race runs from our club house in Golant, on the banks of the river Fowey. We will, weather permitting be runing our normal deep water course. There will be the standard 2, 4, 8 and 12 mile races.
Venue: Fowey River Canoe Club. Golant, Cornwall, PL23 1LN.
Check in 12.30 -13.00
Briefing 13.30
Start 14.00
Hasler Classes:
Div 2 & 3 K2 & 1,2,3 K1 12 Miles
Div 4, 5, 6 K1 & K2 8 Miles
Div 7, 8, 9 K1 & K2 4 Miles
Geoff Sanders Paddlers 2 Miles
SUP's need to enter as a single bladed canoe until a seperate SUP class is added, if you have any queries please get in touch!
Races as per Marathon division rules.
Buoyancy Aids:
Buoyancy aids must be worn by all paddlers in divisions 7-9 including GS Paddlers, irrespective of class entered.
All juniors must wear buoyancy aids with the exception of paddlers ranked in Division 6 and above where the paddler’s Team Leader has agreed that a buoyancy aid need not be worn.
The race organisers may request that all or some may need to wear buoyancy aids; the race organisers’ decision is final.
Course: The River Fowey is an exposed estuary, please be aware that spray decks may be compulsory for all paddlers should conditions require.
Fees : £13 Junior and Senior, £5 Geoff Sanders
Please be aware that the Fowey River Licence for this event is included in your entry fee- any paddlers who are wishing to paddle on the Saturday will need to either join in one of our club sessions or contact Fowey Harbour for a licence.
Car Parking:
As in previous years free car parking will be provided at the top of the hill where marked, The playing field is strictly for drop off of boats and equipment only, you must then proceed to the designated parking area at the cross roads on the outskirts and entrance to the village of Golant.
In previous years a small number of individuals ignored our requests to park in the designated car park seriously jeopardising our relationship with local residents and future events. Any breach of this parking however early you arrive may result in disqualification.
Additional Info:
Showers are available in the club house.
Refreshments and paddlers food will be available.
The South West number boards will be used for this event, please be aware failing to return your number will incur a £5 charge.
Hasler Trophy:
Hasler points will be awarded in accordance with the MRC Rules.
Note that club vests/colours must be worn to claim Hasler points.