Hereford Kayak Club Wye Marathon Hasler Race
Sunday 23rd June 2024
VENUE: Hereford Rowing Club, 37 Greyfriars
Avenue, Hereford, HR4 0BE
Parking available in camping field as directed, additional
access for wheelchairs or restricted
mobility on request. Access to river is by steps only.
All refreshments, briefings, and prize giving on the rowing
club steps, cash only for
refreshments please.
Check in:
9:30 - 11:00 Check in at Rowing club entrance
Div 1,2,3 K1 & Div 2,3 K2 20 km no portages
Div 4,5,6 K1 & K2 13 km no portages
Div 7,8,9 K1 & K2 6.5 km
GS A,B,C K1 3.5 km
Div 7,8,9 K1 & K2 10:40am
GS A,B,C K1 12:00pm
Divs 1-6 K1 & Divs 2-6 K2 12:40pm
Start times:
Div 7,8,9 K1 & K2 11:00am
GS A,B,C K1 12:15pm
Divs 1-6 K1 & Divs 2-6 K2 01:00pm
Prizes will be awarded to the first three in all divisions
where there are sufficient
Seniors £12, Juniors £10, GS £5
Open 24th May, Closes 6pm Friday 21st June. Entry on the
day accepted subject to a late payment fee of £3.
Please make all entries using the Marathon race entry
system Race Entries (
or late entry on the day.
Payment: Please use the race entry check out facility
or make payment direct by Bank
transfer to Hereford Kayak club, SORT CODE 09-01-29
ACCOUNT NO, 39728027 quoting your club and
name eg: HERANNEJONES, or pay on the day when checking in.
We can except tap and go payment, cash or cheque for race
entry but cash only for refreshments.
Buoyancy aids are compulsory for all Div 7,8 & 9 and Geoff
Sanders paddlers. Team leaders to decide
if paddlers in higher divisions should wear them. The race
organiser may insist that other paddlers
wear them if conditions warrant this.
Steep banks, other river users, branches and submerged logs.
The race will be run in accordance with the current BC
Marathon Racing Rules.
Boat Washing:
The Environment Agency are trying to make paddlers more aware
of bio security and hygiene on our
waterways. Please could you read and respect the following
advice: Paddlers » NNSS (
Essentially please clean your boat and kit before you get here,
and clean it when you get home.
Seniors £12, Juniors £10, Geoff Sanders £5.
Number boards:
All competitors to supply their own number boards.
Hereford Kayak Club reserve the right to cancel or change the
race without any notice should
conditions warrant it.
Race Organiser Rob Balogh, Email [email protected]
Tel. 07875143238